Friday, June 27, 2008


i cant believe it!!!i have a new brand NEW bible?!?!i have been eyeing on bibles since even before i joined this cell!thank you for taking the effort to think what to buy or do for me!!!really want to thank god for this!!!oh yea,a few weeks ago, during service offering time,i just had a thought to just give to building i had 7 dollars...actually give 5 to tithe and 2 to offering...but i gave 3.5 to building fund and 3.5 to tithe and i got this!!!!!yea!yea!!!ooohhhh yea!i am blessed!also please pray for alvin, he is on a month mc and cant take pray for spiritual strength...oooooo!!!and today!!!i told myself to fast!!!during recess, i ate with my fren so i bought a fruit punch drink and i sat in front of him...he ate rice with curry and fried chicken...with too much temptation,i ate...haiz...but!!!my mom msg me tat my house hav no lunch so, i took this chance to fast and today during cell time, i worshipped like never before!!!and for the first time ever!!!i never yawned a single time in the sermon,praise,worship and everything!!!not a single i reli wanna thank god for this...remember to pray for alvin!!!
Mark9:35....hehehe...juz felt lik putting this verse...cya!!!
MAY E PEACE OF E LORD ALWAYS BE WITH YOU!!!! tat from mi school....hehehe...bye!
max here...

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